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Habits. A simple word that has so much meaning. The need to create healthy habits is every where we look.
Most of us have a vision of our ideal life. We can picture us as our healthiest and happiest selves. But, sticking to the practices that can help us accomplish these goals can often prove difficult. Creating and keeping healthy habits often makes that vision in our head seem completely out of reach.
Goals need follow through. Goals need support.
When it comes to goals we often think we need to change everything all at once. Wrong! Fewer goals allow you to focus your attention and efforts more effectively. It also increases the probability that you will stick with the changes. Start with three new healthy habits. Focus all of your attention on those. Once they become automatic, add another. Keep adding goals until all of the healthy habits you want to make a part of your life have become a part of your lifestyle.
For instance, I have been wanting to start a nighttime routine. I knew having an established routine would help promote better sleep. I’d go all in for a few nights and then it would fall by the wayside. Why? I was doing too much too quickly. So I broke it down. My first three goals were to ditch the electronics 30-minutes prior to bed, keep a set bedtime (even on most weekend nights), and to read before bed. Once this became automatic, I added in small stretching and skincare goals. Guess what? I can’t remember the last time I didn’t stick to my routine and my sleep has improved tremendously.
Be clear about what you want (your goal) and why you want it (your motivation). Your WHY is HUGE. Dig deep. Why do you want to start strength training? To get stronger. Why do you want to get stronger? To move with ease with age. Why? To be around and active for a long time. Don’t stop at your first reason for wanting to change. Dig deeper. And then dig deeper still.
Once you found your why for creating healthy habits, WRITE IT DOWN. Post it so you can SEE it every day. Allow it to fuel your intent.
Then get clear about how you will achieve this healthy habit. Come up with a measurable plan. Dreaming and visualizing are great, but without a plan they’re just that, dreams.
Need help with a plan? Let’s chat!
We need each other. There is strength in numbers. Especially when it comes to creating healthy habits. Find a friend, group of friends, or online group that’s interested in the same goals as you. Do it together. Having someone else to hold you accountable makes the tough days when motivation may be lacking a little easier.
One of the main things I stress with my clients is the importance of planning. When we make it a priority to set ourselves up for success we make life a little easier and a little less stressful. So whether this is meal planning and prepping, scheduling workouts, blocking off time for self-care, or setting your phone to do not disturb during work hours, start planning for those healthy habits.
Creating space and time to put in a little bit of preparation and planning will get you BIG results.
All of the planning, preparation, and visualization won’t matter if you don’t believe in yourself. Remember you can do hard things. That little voice telling you that you can’t has no idea what it’s talking about. You have what it takes to achieve whatever you want. No goal is too big. So in the moments when you doubt your self. Take a look in the mirror. Take a big breath in and an even bigger breath out. Then, as loud as you can say I am capable of achieving my dreams.
Now that you have some tips, it’s time to get started. What is that one healthy habit you’ve had a burning desire to incorporate into your life. Write it down. Then decide how you’re going to get there by following these five tips,
You’ve got this!